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姓名: 袁公明
领域: 人力资源  生产管理  运营管理  企业文化  品质管理 
地点: 广东 东莞
签名: 袁公明
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记录控制程序 2008-07-16


Record Control Procedure记录控制程序
Control the records of the quality & environment system; provide objective evidences of product quality and environment control that meets the regulated requirement and the effective operation of the quality & environment system, provide information for taking corrective and preventive actions and for improving the effectiveness of quality & environment system.对质量环境体系记录进行控制,提供产品质量、环境控制符合规定要求和质量环境体系有效运行的客观证据,为采取纠正和预防措施以及改进质量环境体系有效性提供信息。
This procedure is applicable to the records concerning quality & environment system of the company.本程序适用于本公司与质量环境体系相关的记录。
4.1Quality control department is responsible for establishing, modifying and improving this procedure品管部负责制订、修改和完善本程序。
4.2Each department have to collect, mark, file, preserve and manage the records of its department.各部门需对本部门的记录进行收集、标识、归档、保管及处理。
5Procedure content程序内容
5.1Identification of records记录的标识
5.1.1The identification of records consists of the name of the form/list and the code of the record. The rules of numbering of record record refers to Document Control Procedure.记录标识由表格/表单名称加记录编号来识别,记录编号的编制规则参见《文件控制程序》。
5.2Writing of record记录的填写
5.2.1Records should be made clear, concrete, true, easy to read and include the the actual information about quality or environment. 记录填写应字迹清晰、内容真实且易于阅读、应准确记载质量或环境信息。
5.3Filing, keeping and reserving 归档、保管、贮存
5.3.1Document control center controller establishes List of Record, describing the preserving departments and retention limit.文控员负责编制《记录一览表》,以说明记录保管部门和保存期限。
5.3.2Records should be placed on file according to the time sequence or the type of products; each department maintain records according to the retention limit specified in List of Record.
5.3.3Records should be kept in a dry condition, avoiding deformation or deterioration.记录保存环境要求防潮、防湿等,以防止毁坏或变质。
5.3.4Records should remain easy to reach and search.记录保存方式需便于存取及检索。
5.4Change of records记录的更改
Any record concerning the quality & environment system can’t be altered with correction fluid, if needs to change, the wrong content should be crossed out with a crewel and replaced with correct information, and sign the name of the person who modifys it and the revision date beside. Fill in the record again if necessary.
任何与质量环境体系有关的记录都不可用涂改液涂改,如需改动, 必须用双线将错误内容删去,并写上正确信息,并在旁边签上更改人的姓名和更改日期,必要时需重新填写。
5.5Other departments or personnel can refer or borrow the maintained records with the permission of the department manager or assistant.其它部门或人员要查阅或借阅保存的记录时须征得部门负责人或文员的同意。
5.6Each department confirms the maintained records, which are beyond retention time, whether are worth keeping, if no, disposes them directly.各部门对超过保存期的记录由记录归档保管部门审批是否有保存价值,如无保存价值则由该部门直接实施销毁。

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